As we approach the time of the year when only the strongest endure, we mark the Autumnal Equinox and our holiday 'The Eternal Embrace of the Nameless Void'.
This is the time of the year when only the strongest creatures and specimens survive. When the darkness works in duality with nature and strips back the mask of ignorance. We see things die, recede and disappear. Light and darkness are in a constant pair, giving and taking to suit this realm and keep the progress that life brings. During this time, cultists do not fear the darkness. We celebrate it and the work it does for us that we take for granted. This is a time for self-reflection and sacrifice.
Cultists are encouraged to relinquish unnecessary possessions of any kind. Items that hold a sad or emotionally draining vibration are highly recommended for a sacrifice or donation. We must reflect on how we have progressed and accomplished what we have and celebrate it. But with progress, many things are taken, sacrificed, forgotten or ignored. These things have either helped us in their absence or fueled us to continue forward for something better. This is the time of darkness, the one that always will be. The breath of death, and life in one. We must respect this for within each and every one of us, the darkness stirs to push us to progress.