20/12/2025 – 21/12/2025
Period of observance - 20th or 21st of December
Each country or continent might have drastically different climate patterns between them, but Winter and Summer are true for life on this planet, no matter the environmental conditions. Plants, and by extension animals, are affected by the slow waning and then slow waxing of daylight. The waning of daylight triggers plants and animals to prepare for winter; while the opposite is occurring in the other hemisphere. When life is going dormant, other life is awakening.
On this day where half the world is at its brightest and half the world is at its darkest, we celebrate not just the duality of the world, but duality within ourselves. No person embodies the totality of any trait. For simplicity's sake; no one is all good or all evil. Awake within yourself the parts that are seldom shown and experienced, to strike balance within yourself. When the night is longest for you, seek that which is contrary to your normal self and when the day is longest seek to bring out that which exemplifies the self.
Such a theme would also be present when a gathering is held; to take on a persona which would exemplify who you are to an extreme if you are experiencing a long day or to perform completely contrary to your normal behaviour if it is the night which is longest. During such a gathering topics too would be championed by Atheists most fiercely for the Deist point of view while Deists would stand up and call out their most ardent Atheistic arguments in defence.