Period of observance - Last Saturday of November
This holiday serves as a means of appeasing and honouring Tsathoggua who is associated with decadence, sloth, and gluttony. While your personal ascension plan may include a desire to live healthily, the Temple’s third Harvest festival is about indulgence. This can come in a variety of manners but at its most basic level it is about the love and satisfaction that comes from eating.
This day, more than any other of the harvest festivals, put elaborate feasts and indulgence in luxurious and exquisite foods at its centre. People celebrate by consuming dishes of particularly high quality, rare delicacies, and expensive treats. This day, as the namesake of the holiday implies, is bout an excess of food and the over indulgence that comes with eating copious amounts. The focus is not merely on the quantity of food but on the opulence, richness and quality of the offerings. As such. you may choose to celebrate today instead by preparing or consuming a meal which you would normally find too excessive or expensive. Think hereby about going out to dinner with friends, family or even your fellow cultists and partaking of an expensive meal or enjoying a particular food which normally you abstain from.